How to Pack an Eco-Friendly School Lunch

A Fresh Space | September 2, 2016

With the start of a new school year, you may find yourself thinking about new positive habits and routines for your kids (and yourself!). You want what’s best and healthy for your kids, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin. If you’re one of millions of parents packing lunches before you send your loved ones off to school, learning how to pack an eco-friendly school lunch is an excellent starting point. Being mindful in your waste production and what you’re eating is a great way to support the health of your family, and it also helps out your environment and your local community!

From carefully choosing which products you’ll use to planning around locally sourced ingredients, read on for our best tips to make lunches healthier and better for everyone involved. With some mindful planning, you’ll be able to send your kids to school with a wonderful meal instead of reaching for a Lunchable.